VietnamEazy on Amazon’s Hot New Release List since July 1, 2016
I am so excited to see VietnamEazy on Amazon’s Hot New Release List since the official launch on July 1, 2016.
Truthfully, I expected it to hit the list on the first couple of days due to friends and family’s support, but I never expected it to maintain top #5 and #6 on the list for so long.
VietnamEazy is also in Literary Affairs Summer Reading Recommendation List “Books for the Beach.” In addition to that, VietnamEazy has been featured in 4 publications including the San Jose Mercury News, The Santa Cruz Sentinel, Metro News, and Silicon Valley One World.
Thank you for your overwhelming support.
About VietnamEazy
Discover a magical story about three generations of Vietnamese women across three continents and how their love for food binds them together as they discover love and relationships.
Now available on